Content Details

You All Make Me Sick / I Hate You All

Genre: Comedy / Melodrama
Duration: 20 x 24’
Language: Russian
Subtitle: English
Production Year: 2017
Format: HD
Origin: Russia


The comedy “I hate you all” opens the world of the restaurant business for the audience, with the main character Sonya at the hub of it. Sonya is a restaurant critic by profession and a convinced misanthrope by nature. The series ““I hate you all” tell the story of a young and ambitious girl who prefers to avoid contact with people and gets at loggerheads with anyone she comes across. However, should Sonya drink a glass of wine, she turns into the most amicable and good-natured girl. Once she let herself have a glass of wine at the opening of a restaurant, and that case rocked her world. In the morning, she was shocked to find out she had spent a night with Kirill; moreover, she had made friends with a chatty nail artist Nelya and her neighbor Vova, a taxi driver. You can learn what trick the girl’s love of alcohol will play with her if you watch the series “I hate you all”.